Robert Lake


Robert Lake


Uncovering Possibilities and Unlocking Freedom for Business Leaders

Empowering Business Leaders To Give Them The Profits They Want And The Time-Off They Deserve

As seen on...

Your Goals

Clearly identify what you want, plan to achieve it, and then work on that plan every day. Success doesn't happen overnight; it requires consistent effort and a strong focus on your objectives. Break down your larger goals into manageable tasks and track your progress to motivate yourself. Leverage resources and tools that enhance your productivity and help maintain your momentum.

Grow Your

Elevate your view and identify new ways you can scale your business. Look for untapped markets, optimize your operations for efficiency, and leverage technology to enhance productivity. Consider diversifying your offerings and expanding into new territories to maximize your business potential. Always be on the lookout for innovative solutions that can disrupt the market and set your business apart.

Your Team

Lead creative people, think for themselves, and deliver exceptional results. Cultivate an environment where innovation thrives, and each member feels valued and empowered. You can encourage your team to achieve great results by fostering a supportive and inspiring workspace. Recognize and reward efforts and achievements to build morale and encourage continued excellence.

What did you want when you started in business?

Chances are, if you are like most people, it would have included some of the following concepts…

  • Earning More Money
  • Creating More Lasting Wealth
  • Being The One In Control
  • Doing More Of What You Love
  • Surrounding Yourself With An Incredible Team
  • Working Fewer Hours
  • Having More Time For Vacations

If you also happen to be like most people, chances are your current reality doesn’t quite reflect the visions you once had.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can work fewer hours, earn more money, have a great team, and create substantial net wealth. The key is to gain clarity and take proactive steps toward reshaping your business strategies.

Click below to gain clarity and take control over the four critical elements of successful businesses - Time, Team, Money, and Future.

Here's How I Can Help

Business Coaching

Emphasize your organization’s overall operation and effectiveness. This will help you streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance productivity.

Executive Coaching

Work with you or your team to increase performance, communication, and overall skills. This coaching targets leadership development, conflict resolution, and strategic decision-making, ensuring you or your key executives are well-equipped to lead your organization to success.

Strategic Planning

Create your strategic plan, motivating you to get things done and inspiring participation from your entire team. This process fosters a proactive culture within your organization, which is crucial for navigating business challenges and seizing opportunities.

Robert Lake

Business and Executive Coach

Robert Lake is a Certified Exit Planning Advisor and a Certified FocalPoint Business Coach with experience helping small and medium-sized businesses ($1M - $100M) implement advanced technologies such as AI. His primary role is to build a culture that is ready for tomorrow’s technology today, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the competition.

Ready to maximize your business success?


This 5-minute Business Growth Score assessment gives me more insight into your needs and what you are looking for in your business.


A 20-minute discovery call is our chance to meet one another and have a conversation. It helps to determine if we are a good fit.


This is the ultimate goal. Whether it is personally, professionally, or fiscally... you name it; growth will happen through using my services!

8 Keys to Building Businesses that Run Themselves

A recent survey showed that one in five business owners works over 60 hours per week.

If you can't remember the last time you worked fewer than 40 hours a week, had a proper vacation, or went for more than a few hours without checking your emails, it sounds like your work-life balance is out of whack.

So, what's the solution? You don't want to give up your business, but it's about time you stepped back and prioritized your family and your health. Fortunately, this is possible because there are such things as businesses that run themselves.

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Changing the world through business leadership and education.


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